So, things are heating up here in the last push to the November 4th election. I think McCain's a little desperate, and definitely coming across like a silly old man. But that might just be my pinko-liberal-leftist-hippy-queer lovin'-communist side talking. Go Obama!
I registered to vote today, which involved a hike and a half to the Somerville town hall. I was expecting all kinds of hassles after the shit-fight that has been my experience with the Registry of Motor Vehicles (Dear RMV Staff: drop dead.) but to my total surprise, the town hall folk were fantastic. Friendly, helpful, in possession of working pens, not at all smug when people didn't have the right paperwork; merely generous in their giving of useful advice.
I can't have been in there for more than 10 minutes, and just like that, I was registered and done.
Everywhere I go, people seem to be discussing politics. Or the economy. Little old ladies tsking about such a young man being up for president, students recounting parts of The Daily Show (it's actually a much more credible source of accurate and impartial news reports than most of the TV channels) to each other and sniggering about the weird moose lady from Alaska. Drooling paste-eaters still marking 'undecided' on their various bureaucratic forms. JEEBUS! You've had 2 freaking years to pick a damn side!
Everyone is worried about the economy, and sniveling at the potential changes to their hedonistic lifestyles. "Oh, woe is me! I won't be able to afford a pedicure every week, and a brand-new SUV!" "My stocks are so low, I'm not going to be able to retire at 35!"
I'm waiting to see what it looks like when it's all settled. To be honest, since I am an unemployed bum with no prospects, no investments, no savings, no car and no assets of any kind except for what I grew myself ;), I don't feel all that involved. We'll see.