Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Month in Review

Here's the premise. I decided to show up at home for my sister's 30th birthday. So I sneaked in with my weasel tail, and spent a month in NZ.

Firstly, I had this reallllly long stopover in San Francisco. But it was pretty awesome in the end, because Felicity picked me up, and we went out for delicious Italian food! And of course we went to see that bridge thing that they're always crapping on about. It was a perfect day, and the view was amazing.

Finally got to NZ, and the magnificent Kosal Kong picked me up from the airport. One epic nap later, and my travel-cankles had subsided enough for me to hit the streets. I decided to go surprise Tracy at work.

She cried, so I guess she really wasn't expecting me! Thanks for keeping your mouths shut, Kosal and everyone that Kosal told...

I met Nat, (the BF) we went out for dinner, all was grand! That's Tracy and Nat, just down there.

After the initial shock had worn off, there was little to do but groom my magnificent beast in the soft Wellington sunshine! (see previous posts...)

I squeezed in a birthday party for Miss Olivia, seen here hunting for cake. Her little sister was quarantined on the top floor of the house, which was a shame, but what can you do? Poor kid is only the size of a banana loaf.

Isn't Wellington gorgeous? LOOK at it! Sucks to be everyone else, I say.

Then after 3 weeks of coffee lunch coffee drinks dinner drinks repeat, I went down to Nelson to see my folks and go to a reunion party.

Mum in her new garden! Oh man, the wine and cheese that goes with that patio area... It doesn't bear thinking about.

Clancy and the pood. Possibly the most pointless dog in the world, but I am prepared for further disappointment.

Then it was the world infamous Fifeshire FM 20th Anniversary Party. We got gussied up for the occasion, and naturally, Jackie and I were the hottest chicks there.

See? I told you.

I got back in touch with my dear friends Schroeder and Clint from a million years ago. I'd forgotten how much I liked hanging out with these two. Don't let the faces put you off - they're actually good looking guys when they're not DRUNK. A good time was had by all. ;)

With that milestone safely out of the way, I was very much looking forward to the next. My beautiful friend Amanda made the trek up the South Island with Josh in tow, and we had 2 days in Nelson to catch up. Lots of running around after Mr. Lawrence, I can tell you! That kid has working legs.

2 whirlwind days back in Wellington, and I was off again, suitcases bulging. 8 hours in Sydney, with George and Emily (here's me with that building they keep crapping on about) and then I was stuck in a miserable airplane seat for a super fun 14 hour flight to California, 8 hours of which I got to enjoy extreme turbulence.

On my way home, I inadvertently wore my "Me Terrorist, Me Packin' Blow" outfit. I got swabbed for explosives and had my bags searched in Wellington. I got swabbed for drugs in Sydney. I got x-rayed 3 times in San Francisco, and had to pull all sorts of things out of my bag. Turns out they were highly suspicious of my teeny tiny box of ibuprofen!

I had a philosophical argument with the guard about whether or not Vegemite is a liquid, which I think I won... At any rate, he decided to let me bring this dangerous substance into the USA.

Got back to Boston to discover that someone has moved the sun farther away from the area, and as a result I am MIFFED. It's cold!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

World Travelling Jody Packs Her Bags

2 days left and so much to do! Here's what I have left to squeeze in...

  • coffee dates x 4
  • lunch dates x 2
  • boozy debacle x 1
  • exclusive sister dinner x 1
  • stuffing duvet in bag, and hoping some idiot from airport security doesn't decide to take it out because it probably won't go back in
  • Mountain O Laundry

Think I'll make it? We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nelson, Narcotics and Noodles

The first is where I am. It's ok, now that the sun is out! Spent the day doing stuff with Mum, including taking the teacup poodle to the groomer's for a bath and trim. She certainly smells better, excluding her INEXPLICABLE dead seashell breath.

The second would be nice.

The third is what I made for dinner. It was a hit, on account of nobody really wants to cook but everyone likes to eat. Typical. Anyway, it was tasty and now I'm sitting around slurping up sav and considering getting into my pjs. Hah! Life is pretty good.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


John Key's New Zealand, or Barack Obama's America? Hmmm.


Saturday, November 8, 2008


I'm down one mole! Right now, it's in a container of god knows what in some lab, getting chopped up and peered at.

I'll have you know I was VERY brave and I didn't cry. Tracy came and held my hand, and she was also very brave, even when the doctor started hacking the thing off and she started feeling faint.

There are 2 stitches, which Tracy is pretty keen to take out. However, having carefully considered her medical expertise, I've decided to let a nurse do it.