Monday, July 12, 2010

Note to Self...

Dear Jody

Not everyone is privy to your many and varied in-jokes with Tracy. Therefore, when you decide to strike up a conversation with a stranger at a party, you shouldn't start with "Did you ever think that cheese might be the white man's watermelon?".

That is all.

Love from Jody


So, I was in my room the other day and I saw a HUGE bloody cockroach on my ceiling! A big fat one, just sitting up there, looking all smug and stuff. It had a long antenna sticking out (just one, mind) and I thought to myself:

"Bug's gonna die. Oh yeah. Stupid one-pronged cockroach on MY ceiling. Ima gettin' me a pokin' stick".

And that's when I realised that it was actually a thumb-tack with a bit of string hanging off it.