This is the FIRE HOSE in my bedroom. Yes, you read correctly...
View from David and Alex's apartment, which I think is looking at one of the universities.
Take note boys - this is the key to reproductive success.
We saw this at a museum. It's a display explaining how they reproduced a cast of an early Taiwanese native from a skeleton. What the hell they were thinking with the last installation, I have no idea.
Your room looks lovely. The bit we can see in the photo. Very clean and room to swing a cat. Lets have a picture of the other half now.
And I would like to see a pic of your building from the outside, and maybe what you can see from the roof?
Okay, will do... I'm still getting the hang of how to do stuff on Puter, and also I have no net access so I have to schlepp it into the city, so it might be a while.
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