Once Martha and I had conquered winter by getting home to our nice warm flat, we decided to go out for a drink, down in Davis Square.
Martha started the night off right by completely missing the bottom step, and face-planting into our nice fluffy white front yard. Still, she's hardy stock so we dusted her off and continued into town.
We had a lovely time, did a bit of bar crawling, quaffed some average wine and some very fine beer, and then headed home. The snow was piling up, so we spent about 20 minutes shoveling it onto the verge, and trying to find the front steps.
I just got up, and guess what? It's been snowing all damn night, and all that back breaking shoveling was for nothing because it looks like we didn't bloody touch it! BUGGER.
To cheer me up, Martha said we could let the cat out to see what he thinks of having cold paws. What do you think? A happy face?
Ha ha! She drew the line at my proposal that we biff him into a big snow drift and watch him "phooooof" and disappear.
Here's the current view from the front door.
It's STILL snowing! I'm glad I have vege bacon and the Internet. All will be well.
Wow it looks so pretty! but brrrr... good central heating? better than Christchurch?
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