Saturday, June 6, 2009

"I was... erm... on a working holiday?"

Been a little quiet on the Western Front, no? Well, I've been busy with some temp work last week, which has been a nice change from my couch-cushion-squashing and pajama-shape-maintenance duties.

I meant to tell you guys about all of the wonderfully helpful tips and advice that I have received at the wonderfully helpful Department of Money for the Broke of NZ. I have learned many things from them, including;
  • Always have a shower before you go to a job interview, and wear clean clothes.
  • Write a CV that will tell people what "skools" you have.
  • Be vague with the dates on your employment history, to hide any stints in prison.
  • Don't have a phone message that mentions sex, drinking, drugs, or uses bad language. It puts people off.
Now these are good tips, people! I'm sure you can apply them to your life, whatever your situation. Which I hope, for the record, is awesome.

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