They are completely covered in that sticky glue/tar stuff that is used in those large mouse traps. Goodness knows how, but since it's EVERYWHERE, I personally think somebody did this on purpose.
Sunny and I spent 5 hours at the vet's, picking it out of their fur. And since they're so tiny, and since it's really hard to get out, I really mean ripping out all their fur.
I have no idea if they're going to make it (we stopped after their temperatures started dropping and they had obviously come to the limit of what they could take) but I'll go back on Tuesday if they need some help.
The white stuff is flour, which is kind of helping because it's absorbing some of the moisture from the glue.
I feel sick that there are so many awful people out there.
Holy shit! That is so nasty! It is a good thing that there are people like you in the world to try and save the poor wee things. I am sure the good people cancel out the assholes in the world, but it is hard to see that when you have a sticky kitty in front of you. I know they would have apreciated your efforts even if it hurt. You are awesome. And I love you.
Wow, that is terrible. It's sort of like oil slicks on sea birds. It just crusts them up and they can't fly and they sink. Evil in the world. You, however must be an angel.
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