Monday, April 28, 2008

Some Stuff I've Seen Recently

A man with no legs sleeping in his car.

A woman throwing a huge hissy fit, and beating the pavement with a tree branch. It was actually pretty funny, from a safe distance...

A guy in a minivan carefully backing into a line of scooters, knocking down all of them. What a dick!

At least 10 HIDEOUS pasty white men at the beach, complete with beer guts, monobrows and budgie smugglers, with tiny and pretty Asian girlfriends. WTF?

A sandwich cafe with no bread.

An old lady delicately picking her nose on the bus, who then carefully wiped her findings on the seat in front of her.

A t-shirt that said World Gym, and had a picture of Winnie the Pooh on it. 10NT to the person who can explain the connection between these two!

A teenage girl with a haircut so fashionable, that it was twice the size of her head on top due to all the crimping, and with a fringe that was so long and had such a narrow gap at the front that all you could see of her face was the tip of her nose and her mouth. She looked like the Dulux dog!

A girl wearing the shortest shorts EVER (and in Taiwan, that's saying something) on the MRT on a cold and rainy Sunday morning. I own at least 20 pairs of underwear that cover more of my butt than those shorts did hers.


Mary said...

Good spotting Jody! Some of these might be worth a picture.

noeintracy said...

Ooooh. I agree. Pictures of the crazy people please! They must deserve it...staring at you for 8 months.