This is my room... I'm standing by my closet, and pretty much everything you see here was swiped by me, for free. Huzzah!
This is the living room. It's tiny, but cosy. I'm not sure why Martha has futons instead of couches, but what do I care? They're comfy, and I can snooze while watching daytime television. That's what the unemployed do, you know.
This is the kitchen. I'm standing in the doorway of my room. Pretty cool, right? And there's a picnic table for me to turn into a daily office area!
This is Quincy, resident fluff beast. I know his tag says 'Boris' - there was quite a bit of indecision about his name, and somebody got him a tag prematurely. He's ok. No Ned of the Toddin, but he'll do in a pinch. Right now, he's manking up my bed, which he seems to think is only there for him to loll on.
Don't ask me why he's wearing a kerchief.
Nothing to do with the house - here's Stef! We went to Newport, and since I wanted to take a picture of this bizarre statue, I made her stand in the shot. I tried to get her to climb up and hold onto the feet, but she wouldn't. Boo!
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