Here's a brief update with most of the details missing. I spent my last day in Taipei running around doing insane stuff, and traversing the city at least 4 times. I think I managed to take 6 taxis in one day. Among the many things I squeezed in, I had lunch with Morning at this awesome vegetarian Japanese restaurant. Here's me, eating some of the amazing dishes we got.
Then I went out for dinner with various friends, and THEN we went out for a drink. Just the one, mind you. After 4 or 5 "just one"s, I decided it would be a completely marvellous idea to skip the whole sleeping before getting up at 4:45am to catch the plane. So I just stayed out all night and caught a taxi to Annie's to pick up my suitcase with minutes to spare before she abandoned me and left by herself.
Here's us, with our exit stamps in our passports. I don't think I look tooooo bad, considering!
The flight was predictably tedious, but I actually wasn't too hungover so I coped. We slept most of the way to Texas.
Texas both sucked and blowed (well done, home of Bush) because the stupid plane to Boston "broke". As in, 1 of the 2 air conditioning units broke. The pilot said that we could fly with one, and we just needed to wait for maintenance to clear us. Well, an hour later he gets on the intercom and says "GREAT news everyone! We're changing planes! Please get all your belongings and proceed to the boarding area while we get everything sorted". I'm not sure about the other passengers, but I just couldn't figure out how this was good news.
So, another half hour sitting in the airport, and we were allowed onto our new plane. We taxied down the run-way. Then Mr. Perky got back on the intercom and cheerfully announced that we would be taking off super-shortly, as we were only 18th in the queue! WTF. So there was at least another half hour sitting on the tarmac, before we actually left.
Got to Boston 2 hours late, to find Rachel and Caroline huddled together and dissecting a blueberry muffin from Dunkin' Donuts. Boy was I glad to see them!
A long drive back to Essex (Caroline accidentally took the old and meandering highway) and I was finally able to stretch my legs and sleep.
Woke up to discover that she lives in this house. It's 300 years old, except for the top story which is a mere 200 years old. And there's a secret passageway. And there's a secret room behind the chimney which they think was probably used to hide people on the underground railroad. How bloody amazing is THAT???
Isn't it cute? Every building in New England is cute as a button, and there are far too many nice ones to post. So here's just a sample.
In some town. Don't ask me where.
Maybe in Essex? Who knows.
Okay, I know where this one is. Rockport, MA. We went for a drive around one day, and spent quite a bit of time here. It's gorgeous of course, and this place was for rent. If I decide to refocus my career to sell expensive jewelry made out of seashells, I'll be living here for sure.
Arty shot. You can kind of see the reflection of Rockport buildings in the bulb, right?
This old lady was hilarious! She was cruising around Rockport in her awesome Cadillac, with her crutches on the passenger seat, and a curly beehive hairdo atop her head. Not sure what she's doing here, parked up at the point, but I like to think she's checking out young men.
Caroline and Rachel in Rockport.
The 3 of us. We asked this man to take the photo, and just as he was about to oblige, Rachel squealed that it wasn't her good side and she had to swap with Caroline, and then Caroline was iffy about it because it wasn't her good side either, and the guy was rolling his eyes, and his wife was smirking, and I was saying "For gods sake sit down and shut up about your damn sides. All of you is ugly. Take the damn photo."
And that's about it so far. I'll do another post about my hilarious and random first trip to New York a bit later.
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