Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Summer cometh

Greetings! Due to a lack of anything better at the moment, here is a pic of a pretty typical Taipei street. Icky. I'm sure if you look closely, you'll see 500 illegal driving moves, 5 attempts at vehicular homicide, 4 old ladies carrying vegetables, at least 1 family of 4 on a scooter, and a pink bus.

In other news, it's getting hotttttttt. I'm remembering how horrid it was last year... God, I really hope my blood has thinned out a bit and I'll be more comfortable for Round II. Hoping, but not hopeful.

What else? I'm actually just really tired at the moment. Sleeping isn't easy when you have heat induced nightmares, and I work pretty long hours most of the week.

I'm also horribly homesick. Would love to wrangle a trip home, but I can't pay for it AND afford the weeks with no pay. I'm stuck. Ah boo.


noeintracy said...

A-boo! Life is a shit sandwich alright. Comfort yourself with pictures of Ned.

RonF said...

Jeez Jody,it's getting cold in Tauranga now.At least a blanket and the duvet cover.And the soft down pillows.Sigh life is sooooo hard.
Suck it up!!! x