Thursday, February 25, 2010

Possibly I Am Dying

I have had some weird virus all week, which is total pants. 3 days of pretty much 24 hour naps, followed by grinding intense stomach cramps all day today. SUCKFEST 2010.

Tomorrow I'm off to be a tourist in my own country - hooray for the deep South! For you American readers, there are probably just as many rednecks as your own deep South, but the beer is better and nobody duels with banjos.

Today I have the word 'homunculus' stuck in my head. Sigh.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Where the Hell are We?

Managed to squeeze a good deed in today. Helped some lost tourists. They really reminded me of all the times I have been lost in foreign countries, clutching my sub-par map with inexplicable sections of the roads missing, scale all out of whack, clearly intended to make me lost forever in the wilds of [fill in foreign city here]. I hope you have a good time, fey looking Japanese girls!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

7s of Doom But I Guess it Was Fun For the Kids

Tried to go into town last night and just couldn't handle the jandal I'm afraid. Carnage! And since when was a rugby thing an excuse for women to dress up like whores and men to dress up like drag queens? There were some SIGHTS, let me tell ya...

I guess it's a testament to my advancing years that when I saw the 2 drunk chicks lolling around in some shrubbery, I thought "Hmph. My taxes paid for those bushes!"

I was also quite concerned for the man who had bent down to pick up his dropped cigarettes, and seemed to be incapable of straightening up again. Plus he had no friends with him. Bad. Don't ditch your mates!

Anyway, I had to flee the scene so I elbowed a couple of teenagers out of the way of a taxi, and leapt in. It barely had time to roll to a stop before we were off to the relative safety of Karori. Bet there are some sore heads in Wellington this morning.