Monday, June 15, 2009

Beds, Bullshit and Balancing the Budget

Sometimes people can be really great.

I was ringing up bed places the other day, getting the low-down on how much it would all cost me, and I ended up nattering for ages with this old guy. The usual stuff - raving about the ungrateful youth of today and how they were never taught to work hard, fist shaking about greedy corporate America and how they have sunk the whole damn world with their unreasonable expectations of wealth and privilege... bla bla bla.

Anyway, he called me up today to see why I didn't come in and buy a bed from him, and I told him the sad news that I had figured out on Saturday. I can't get finance because I'm unemployed, so there's no way in hell I can buy a damn BEAN at the moment, let alone a bed.

He revved up the fist shaking and raving again, blaming the US for my current shameful state, and asked me to send him my CV. He reckons he knows "everyone" in this town, and he'll see what he can do for me.

Isn't that nice?

Oh - and then another very nice man at another bed shop offered to sell me a trade-in bed for a totally kick-ass reasonable price, and gave me a much needed pep talk about how I don't need to buy a bed made of clouds and dreams right now. I just need somewhere to sleep until I get my situation sorted.

He is so right! So now, my "new" bed is all made up and waiting for me. I'm sure it'll be fine.

1 comment:

Jamie Beard said...

wow - its like a morality tale using a bed as the adventure.