Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sittin' Here, on the Group W Bench...

It's Sunday, and the first proper day off I've had in 3 weeks. Naturally, I am sick. However, stiff upper lip, box on, and all that other bollocks! I've decided to sit here on my very own Group W bench until I think of something interesting to tell you.

Elections are next week in Taiwan, so we are being plagued by trucks with bullhorns, firecrackers, and (right now) what sounds suspiciously like bagpipes. Let me just go stick my head out the window...

False alarm. I think it was somebody selling brooms.


I've been doing a few touristy things, including going to the zoo. I can confirm that I still don't like zoos. The tigers were panting and pacing up and down, the monkeys looked bored, and there was

Okay screw that story - the bagpipe sounding thing just went by my building, and it's actually a convoy of blue trucks covered in paper flowers, with flags tied to tree branches, a mini temple on the back of one with little dragons on the roof on springs so they are bobbling about, a man playing a really screechy organ, a bunch of kids banging drums, and some men with a bag of yellow paper.

All guesses as to what on earth that was about, gratefully received!

What else?

We get a long weekend soon, because it's Tomb Sweeping Day. As I have no tombs to sweep, I will be sleeping in. Huzzah! Actually, I quite fancy giving tomb sweeping a go. Wonder if I can tag along with someone?

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