Saturday, May 3, 2008

A WHOLE Weekend!

That's right folks, I got Saturday off this week. It feels like such a treat, but then again I also feel like it's the least I deserve! Eh, whatever. TIT (this is Taiwan).

I managed to do something typically retarded yesterday. I went to put my laptop away, and as I stood up, I stood on the cord. Which of course yanked my poor lappy out of my loving arms and sent it crashing to the floor. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Fortunately, its fall was broken. Unfortunately, its fall was broken by its own power-cord. Which promptly split open and let out a couple of sparks. Not good...

Fortunately, it's a pretty new lappy so I managed to buy a new cord in record time. Unfortunately it was 1000NT. Ah booo!

In other news, I've been running around with Morning all day looking at second books and CDs. I've purchased, among other things, a ridiculous Taiwanese Eagles rip off album by The Eagels which is pretty terrible. Score!

I also went back to the man on the street stall from whom I bought a belt last week, and asked him to shorten it a bit because it's too big. He took this to mean that I have magically gotten thinner in the past week, and gave me an enthusiastic double thumbs up for my achievement...

Doesn't matter how sexy-hot you feel, you're still a big fatty in Taiwan!

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