Monday, November 9, 2009

Come on Everyone! Make an Effort!

You know... (a bit of a musing coming up) you know... I really would like to see people taking more responsibility for their feelings. The way YOU feel about, for instance, ME, does not necessarily mean that I am *doing* anything to you. I'm just doodling along, living my life and doing my best. You will just have to own your own issues. I know I'm awesome, but I simply can't be held accountable for everything in your head. Sorry 'bout that.

In other news, Ned stole my seat. Yup, I got up for 5 minutes to cook some rice, and bam! he was curled up in my spot in a split second. I tried to move him and he trilled. Knowing that I can't resist trilling. Little bastard.

Also, I made a kind of Thai curry thing for dinner only I put in too much lime juice and it was quite acid but not necessarily what I would call horrible however not exactly delicious either. I'm going to think of it as "a good use of the vegetables that were still holding out against the mold". I do NOT include the pumpkin (Poor effort, Pumpkin. For shame.) and the slimy thing that used to be a cucumber in this group. My main motivation was to eat at least some of the things in the fridge before Tracy gets home...

1 comment:

Mary said...

Quite right too. Not everyone knows that.