Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Adventures on the Loser Cruiser

Had to take the bus this morning on account of the rain. I don't know if it really is a West Karori thing, or if I'm just looking for the difference because I liked City End Karori very much, but there is a hell of a lot of nose pickers and mouth breathers on the West Karori peak hours express bus. I'm just saying.

There was this chick the other day who sat opposite me (in the backwards seat) who was soooo fascinating. First and foremost, she was wearing one of those ex-army surplus khaki jackets with epaulets on the shoulders. She also had a matching khaki satchel thingee, probably for carrying around her collection of World of Warcraft figurines or something. But THEN, she sat down, whipped out a very dog-eared library book (something about dragons) and a huge chocolate éclair. She proceeded to read her obviously engrossing book with goggle eyes, while she stuffed the éclair in her mouth, eating it in 3 extremely enthusiastic bites. The cream was squishing out the sides of her mouth, and when she was finished she very carefully sucked every single finger. While not taking her eyes off that book. It was mesmerising.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I bet she was watching you with her peripheral vision.