Monday, May 10, 2010

New Digs

The new house is looking pretty good. There's stuff in it, it's ours, and it's generally where we want it. We're having fun thinking up creative solutions to our various placement challenges...

Ned slunk around the house with his belly to the floor for a day, hid under Tracy's bed for a couple of hours, peed on all the shopping bags and then meowed piteously until we got totally sick of him and let him outside. Phew.

I'm still walking to work, but it's taking me an hour! Good for my fitness, I'm sure. And now I have a whole new 20 minute stretch of suburbia to trawl for kitty friends, interesting bird-life (I saw a seagull scrap today), questionable garden ornaments (heraldic ducks with jaunty neck ribbons, anyone?) and near death experiences with the dozy and blind drivers of Karori.

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