Saturday, September 1, 2007


Huzzah! I am no longer homeless. I sign a lease on Tuesday for my very own teeny weeny flat in Nei Hu, which is kind of North-East of the city centre and over the river, and a 10 minute walk from work. You guys should see this place. It's miniscule, and the ceilings are only about 6 inches above my head. I have a little kitchen, a living room that will only take 1 couch I should think, and a downstairs bedroom with an en suite where you have to take the loo paper out to have a shower because it's basically over the toilet.

There are all sorts of built in cabinets though, and beautiful wooden floors, and it comes with a bed. One of the other teachers lives 2 doors along on the same floor, and it's on a quiet little street that really reminded me of Italy. I am so excited!!!

And I'll be able to move in the day before my birthday. Perfect.


noeintracy said...

That is so awesome! I want pictures please. Especially of the toilet/shower.

Jody said...

Piccies will have to wait until I have better access to technology. I am planning a visit to the computer market!

Mark said...

it sounds like a darling little pad.