Friday, September 7, 2007

The kitchen has a life of its own...

I bought a kettle. It was cheap, and it is rather alarming! I try to keep out of its way when it is almost boiled...

Last night I decided to clean my kitchen before putting away my meagre groceries. I unscrewed the little extractor fan thingees over the gas elements, and to my horror, both were holding about half an inch of sticky grease, and one had a dead cockroach preserved in it. It took me 2 hours of hot water and soap to get them even vaguely clean, and I had to throw out the sponge. EWWWWWWWWWW!

Then I juiced up my ipod and warmed up the place with a couple of hours of truly atrocious dancing and singing.

1 comment:

Mary said...

You obviously know how to warm up a house. Wish I could have been a fly on the wall, and by the sounds of things, flies would have loved your stove. I have your address now and will send a little care package this week. I'll let you know when it begins its journey. Love, Mum