Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Ruminating a Little

As I rode the bus home this evening, gripping a seat back for dear life while its occupant pretended to be asleep so she couldn't be shamed into standing up for the old lady standing next to me, I started to think a little about the past year in Taiwan.

Most of the time, I think "thank goodness the end is nigh" or "nice try Taiwan, but I live to cross another road" or "WTF does he think he is doing?".

But yesterday I was freaking out a little. Not that I want to stay, but routine is nice, you know? And now I have to run around like a headless chicken getting organised to go, only to have to hit the ground running in Boston for fear I get run over by American traffic, or end up jobless and homeless, standing around a burning trash barrel and fighting some guy called Jed for the last of the rum.

Some things about Taiwan are really great. And some I am fond of, in a "oh aren't they retarded but sweet" kind of way.

Great things: dan-ping. And the MRT. And I hate to say it, but the 7-11s on every corner really are convenient!

Retarded but sweet: The way they manipulate bamboo into freaky shapes and then decorate it with red and gold bows. Their unnatural fondness for red beans and rice "treats". Their belief that playing basketball will make you grow taller, and if you punch yourself repeatedly in the thighs, you'll be thin.

Things I have NO time for and have driven me crazy: the peasant-like stares of 99% of the population as I go about my daily business. The way they grind their kids into the ground with work. Their selfish and clannish mentality and how that translates on a daily basis. Think: Driving around an injured scooter rider who's just been bowled by a car, because they don't know him. Keeping large dogs in cramped inner city apartments because if they are seen with a large dog, people will think they are rich and can afford a big place to keep it. Rarely the case.

I could go on and on and fill up all the left-over space on the internet, but I won't.


noeintracy said...

I am actually a little glad to hear that you are freaking out a bit...I would be! Will you be seeing the Stef soon? I hope so. As I am sure you are already doing, you should look on your year in Taipei as an eye-opening (though trying) experience and something to tell stories about. DON'T LOOK BACK!!! RUN!!!
And you know, you can always run back to good ol, help-runned-over-people-on-the-side-of-the-road-even-if-you-don't-know-them New Zealand.
Love you!

♥ Oh Darling! said...

Yes...and I'll be looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Boston... Jody-style. JUST REMEMBER TO VOTE! vote for me because I can't! and tell your sister to Vote tooo!!!! love you too!!!!! and you should write a book.