Saturday, September 13, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I've moved into my new pad. Pictures to follow when I find the cord to my camera!

It's small, cute, the bottom floor of an old 3 storey house, and my room is pretty sweet. I've got a closet that's too narrow to put coat hangers in, two filthy windows that look out over nothing much, and my flatmate's cat Quincy permanently glued to my pillow. He seems to think I'm some sort of "cat person", and that I'll love having him sleep with me at night. Pffff! Who gave him that idea?

In other news, I've hurt my stupid back again. I can't stand up straight, and when I do, the blood supply to my left arm seems to be compromised, and it goes numb. Great. Thank goodness for Caroline and Roy, who helped me move all my stuff AND carried the bed by themselves. They're the best.

I have been exploring my new 'hood a bit, and it seems good. It's a very studenty area (I'm quite near Tufts University) so there are lots of stylish cafes and pubs. So far I have failed to find a supermarket, which might be a problem... Will The Jody have to get a car?? Watch this space.

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