Sunday, January 13, 2008

Think I've Figured It Out

Okay, the reason why the Taiwanese have such awesome and prolific stationery...

They are in school for 7 days a week sometimes, and even tiny kids are at school from 7am-5pm. Older kids? 9pm. My theory is, the only way they can force themselves to work/study such ridiculous hours, is by providing the incentive of gorgeous stationery. If you had a pencil box with 4 compartments and a spring-loaded kick stand to hold the lid open, you'd stay in school!

In other news, despite living in a minuscule apartment and owning practically nothing, I seem to have lost 1 of my 3 cups. Hmmm. I'm pretty sure the ants aren't that ambitious, despite their aspirations to become salamanders (see previous posts - they like to live in my kettle).

What else? Well, I went out with the Young Americans last night. It was good fun, despite their tendency to describe everyone and everything as "so cute". Honestly, it brings out the worst in me! I swear even more creatively than normal, just for a change in aural stimulation.

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