Friday, January 4, 2008

End of the Winter Sojourn

I'm back in Nei Hu, to my great relief. It was lovely to stay at Alex and David's much nicer house, but the travel was a pain in the butt! An hour each way, and always at least one Cottonhead on the bus to sneeze on me. Ew yuck.

I've been shuffling around my bat cave in my slippers, rearranging paper and assigning themes to drawers. You know - nerdy stuff that I tend to do!

What else to report? Hmm. Well, I found somewhere else to eat lunch/dinner in Dong Hu, so now I don't have to have buffet every day. Huzzah!

Oh, and I bought new jeans for 350NT a pair. Which is about $15. Double huzzah for slave labour in China! (only kidding only kidding, I swear.)

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