Monday, April 27, 2009

Real Mature

It's so great to be a grown-up, isn't it? I mean, you just have SO much more time to think about the higher things in life. For instance.

I was out with friends on Saturday night, sending Jessie off to her new "life" as a share-milker in Canterbury, and 2 of her fiance's friends kept putting ice down my back. And throwing ice at me across the room.


3am rolled round, I decided I should go home, I got up, and as I was leaving, I punched Friend No. 1 on the shoulder, and Friend No. 2 in the stomach. Feeling rather pleased with my final revenge, I was just about to flounce off down the stairs, when I realised that the guy I had just punched in the stomach was A COMPLETE STRANGER!!!!

He and his girlfriend were standing there with their mouths open, while the guy I had intended to punch pissed himself laughing on the couch behind me!

I was SO mortified.

I ended up staying for another 10 minutes, apologising profusely and begging for forgiveness. His girlfriend thought it was pretty funny, luckily! I'm very very lucky I didn't get hit back. Just to add insult to the whole debacle, the only injury anyone suffered was me, as I woke up with a severely bruised knuckle. BOOOOO.

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