Sunday, April 19, 2009


This morning, Mum Clancy and I decided to go out for breakfast. So into the car we squashed, and off down the highway we zoomed.

We were minding our own businesses, when suddenly, a truck coming in the other direction ejected 2 huge bags of Pink Batts (which, for my non-Kiwi friends, is a kind of fluffy wall insulation used in houses to keep them warm) onto the road! Mum did her civic duty (beeped a lot and pointed), and we pulled over so Clancy could pull one of them off the road. It was quite the hazard, as you may have surmised.

Next thing we know, Clancy's gleefully lugging the bag of batts over to the car, and knocking for the back door to be opened! Yep, we were swiping goods that had "fallen off the back of a truck"! She managed to stuff both of them in the car, and with Buffy and I cowering in the back seat under the imminent threat of Death By Batt, we did a u-turn and raced home to stash our loot behind the garden fence.