Sunday, February 8, 2009

Goats and Sheep and Squirrels - Oh My!

Ewan is visiting, with his friend Tom! They are cruising around the US at the moment, experiencing the seedy underbelly of various west coast cities and trying to share hostel rooms with as many homeless and/or insane people as possible.

Not sure why, but they've decided to stay with us for 1 more night...

We've been having all sorts of outdoorsy adventures so far, including the dramatic rescue of a billy-goat and a ram (okay, it wasn't really dramatic. We just went and picked them up.) from Corvallis. God, am I glad the boys were there! That billy-goat stunk to high heaven and was HUGE. But they just hustled him onto the truck, grabbed the ram by his legs, and heaved him in after.

I held the alfalfa, and tried not to breathe through my nose.

Then we hightailed it back to Salem, where Ewan and Ali spent the afternoon trimming their hooves and worming them. Double yuck. I made dinner.

Today, if Ewan has his way, we're hunting digger squirrels. Flee, squillies, flee!

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