Friday, February 27, 2009

Guess What I've Been Doing?

I woke up this morning in my super cosy warm snug nest, and looked out the window to find...

SNOW! And not nasty Massachusetts snow that you have to shovel out of the damn driveway - nice fluffy Oregon snow that you can frolic in.

And eat.

Alison and I went on a nice long walk through the back-blocks of their property, and I tasted a few trees here and there. Delicious!

Here's some general shots of pretty pretty things. I actually took some very cool ones on Mike's camera, but haven't got around to stealing them yet.

This is heading down the driveway.

The barn. How amazing is that sky?

Anyway, apart from winter wonderland expeditions, there's not much else to report. I've been offered a teaching job in Thailand if I want it.



noeintracy said...

NOOOOOOOOO! Don't move again!

Mary said...

Will Ali and Mike be going with you?