Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Taiwan Day

For those of you who haven't lived overseas, this is a day where the country you're living in (not necessarily Taiwan, I'm sure you understand...) just gives you a nice big kick right in the head.

I finished class today, was called into the office to talk to my director, and told that I am effectively redundant, effective immediately. WHAT THE FUCK, TAIWAN?

I'm not totally without employment or anything, I just don't work in the preschool any more. Which really annoys me because I was only just finding my feet. And now they're trying to load me up with night classes and Saturday classes teaching older kids, instead of my 9-4 number. I am not impressed.

Can't blog any more - I have to write up a pros and cons list, and arrange my face into a suitably grim aspect before my next meeting.

Note for the internet: the head of Kojen is a stupid wanker. I'm talking to you, Mr. Ho.


Unknown said...

wha?! That sucks! Surely they have to tell you in advance? How the heck are you supposed to teach older kids at the drop of a hat?

noeintracy said...

That is bullshit! Surely you have a contract? I thought you had a job for a year? Maybe you can demand your flight reimbursement now...Keep us updated.